Wednesday, August 2, 2017

With Regard to Meditation

So sometimes I like to watch these ‘off the wall’ videos that are a little ‘out there,’ just to see what other people have thought up, think about, imagined or perhaps sensed in some way.  One in particular, regarding Andromedans (sp?) - an alien race from the Andromedia Galaxy, who supposedly sent a message through a medium, telling us about a special connection in the brain that has not yet evolved in most of mankind from the pituitary gland to a “black area” in the back of the brain called the Superia Nigra, which allows for communication through “feeling” (also known as telepathy).  It talked about the importance of clearing our minds and “just feeling” and I thought to myself, ‘this is what I do when I meditate’ – I enjoy just being.  From this just being, my mind begins to wander… and I see visions.  Some may call that daydreaming; my mom always did.  But, that’s the way I meditate.  After all, what is a vision, but a dream?  I believe dreams come to us from an inspired place anyway, so it makes no difference to me what label it’s given.

I’m thinking I need to do a video, or videos, on the practice of meditation, providing others with instruction on how it works for me; maybe they would find it more fitting for them as well than the traditional required pose, meditation music, supposed clearing of the mind, etc., which was never my thing.  The mind clearing is only momentary and is only a clearing of deliberate thought; thoughts are supposed to flow freely as I see it so that the energy that encompasses this universe can bring whatever message we are supposed to receive to us, be it in the form of language or ‘a daydream.’  So I soak it all in.  The visions start simply as colors, which I see by looking “through my eyelids” so to speak; they begin to form into kaleidoscopic shapes and then, eventually, to form images.

There are so many possibilities for each and every one of us, it is unreal – quite literally.  To imagine the whole of mankind, and then the possibility of other worlds yet unknown to us, it is simply just astounding; sometimes, after several minutes of meditation, I have to stop because it is just too overwhelming the places where my mind will go.  I refocus on the here and now, contemplate, and then slowly allow my mind to free itself of deliberate thought and go into the “daydream” state again.  Sometimes it returns to where I left off; other times I am some place entirely different, but seemingly just as important.  I do my best to remember the things I am shown; some stick easier than others… I should probably write it down every time, but, I get busy going about my day once I get done, and journaling usually gets done later.

For those of you who would like to give meditation a try, here a few simple tips:

  1. Make yourself comfortable; any way you prefer to position yourself is fine.
  2. Pick a “quiet” spot; this doesn’t mean there has to be complete silence (I prefer to be outside where I can hear the crickets chirping, birds and frogs singing, and breeze blowing)… I find nature sounds to be extremely calming and relaxing.  You can even play soft music if that is what helps you to relax.
  3. Spend a few minutes practicing deep breathing techniques; this helps prepare the body to relax and helps focus the mind.
  4. Close your eyes; I like to face the sun, allowing myself to “look through” my eyelids – keep your eyelids relaxed.   Don’t squeeze your eyes closed.
  5. Now “clear” your mind; this means, for just a moment, try not to think of anything in particular – if you do, start over.  Keep clearing your mind of deliberate thought, until your mind simply wanders freely and randomly.
  6. Pay attention to the images now flowing freely through your mind; notice if there are any themes, or any particular figures that have significant meaning to you… take note of anything out of the ordinary, anything than stands out to you.
  7. Spend at least ten minutes doing this; take as long as you like, as long as you are comfortable and at peace, remain in this state of free-flowing thought.
  8. Reflect on the images and converse with the spirit; take time after meditating to try to replay some of the images or messages in your mind, now with deliberate thought.  Makes notes in your journal if you remember anything significant.

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